‘Community Conversation’ held to address Greene broadband issues

Working at heights, a technician climbs up on a communications tower

More than two dozen residents attended a “Community Conversation” held at the Greene County Fairgrounds Monday evening to discuss broadband access and speed issues in the area and learn about an ongoing statewide connectivity improvement plan.

The event was coordinated by the Greene County commissioners and facilitated by representatives affiliated with Southwestern Pennsylvania Connected, an initiative created to develop a plan to bring equitable broadband access and high-speed internet to the area.

Facilitators Leanne Doran and LaTrenda Sherrill said the Greene County meeting was one of many being held in 10 counties throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania to assess residents’ concerns regarding broadband access and speed.

Doran said the connectivity improvement plan, which is being led by Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, Allies for Children and Carnegie Mellon University, includes holding regional conversations and workshops, identifying priorities, obtaining funding and grants, developing programs and implementing a plan based on research.

Those in attendance discussed their concerns with slow or no broadband speed and access, identifying numerous dead spots of service throughout the county. Issues such as affordability, poor service, low trust in internet service providers, insufficient repairs and outdated equipment were also discussed.

Read the full article at www.observer-reporter.com