Multimodal Transportation

Multimodal transportation networks provide safe, sustainable travel for all users and differing levels of mobility. Comprehensive multimodal planning is accomplished through several of our programs.

Active Transportation | Freight | SmartMoves Connections | TDM | TOC

Active Transportation

Walking and biking have positive benefits on the environment, economic development, health, safety and overall quality of life for residents within the region.



Recognizing the role of freight in local economic development, we assist in attracting emerging industries, building enhanced connections to the global marketplace, and protecting mobility options to our commercial and industrial partners.

SPC uses information gained from its Freight Forum in the design and implementation of freight-specific roadway improvements, and in the evaluation of applications for state and federal grant funding.


SmartMoves Connections: A Regional Vision for Public Transit

With SmartMoves Connections, SPC presents a new approach to regional transit planning—one based on locating the Transit Supportive Land Uses already present in our region. Using a Machine Learning analysis of aerial photography and travel data, SmartMoves Connections maps the clusters of land with multimodal potential. These are put into six categories where Multimodal Hubs and Multimodal Corridors could be good mobility options.

A Multimodal Hub is a facility where mobility services can connect together—such as Park-and-Ride, bike lockers, scooter-share or paratransit—along with public transit service. These Hubs allow seamless connections between the parts of a person’s trip and enable new kinds of trips, even across county borders or on multiple transit services.

Multimodal Corridors improve the speed and reliability of transit service with improvements like Transit Signal Priority, exclusive bus lanes, queue jump turn lanes, protected bike lanes and improved stations. With the SmartMoves Connections Cluster Map, you can see what multimodal improvements would work best for the place you are interested in. To learn more, download the report or view the story map .

For questions about SmartMoves Connections, contact Tom Klevan  at


Transportation Demand Management

Transportation demand management focuses on the decisions that people and businesses make every day about how they travel. Managing travel demand involves providing travelers with information, options, and incentives that expand travel choices beyond driving alone, such as use of transit, ridesharing, bicycling, walking, and teleworking. For those who drive, it also involves shifting travel to less congested times or routes, or avoiding trips entirely in order to reduce traffic congestion, improve system efficiency, and enhance quality of life.

TDM Action Plan

This plan will establish and prioritize goals and strategies that build upon existing efforts and programs to improve mobility options by:

  • Maximizing the efficiency of the region’s existing infrastructure.
  • Better integrating TDM initiatives with regional and local transportation planning.
  • Developing focused TDM planning strategies into operations and safety, sustainability as well as economic and community vitality.
  • Enhancing the region’s existing communities by supporting connections to transit, walking and bicycling.
  • Coordinating TDM activities among all of the region’s TDM implementers and stakeholders in order to maximize investment and to deliver consistent, complimentary strategies.

Learn more about TDM!

Click to learn more and view the plan!

This plan will also support and implement the vision, policies and goals in the region’s Long-Range Transportation Plan, SmartMoves for a Changing Region


Transit Operators Committee (TOC)

The Transit Operators Committee provides technical assistance to our by serving as the forum for advancing programs and projects providing public transportation options, regional transit coordination, alternatives to fixed-route transit service, and economic opportunities linked to land use and transit-oriented development. Committee membership consists of representation from the region’s sponsors of public transportation; the regional vanpool sponsor, CommuteInfo; and, the three Allegheny County Transportation Management Associations:

Allegheny County
PGH Regional Transit
Phone: 412-442-2000

Airport Corridor Transportation Association

Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership
Phone: 412-566-4190

Oakland Transportation Management Association
Phone: 412-779-5398

Armstrong County
Town & Country Transit
Phone: 724-548-8696 or 1-800-245-8588 (toll-free)

Beaver County
Beaver County Transit Authority (BCTA)
Phone: 724-728-8600

Butler County
Butler Transit Authority
Phone: 724-283-0445

Fayette County
Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation (FACT)
Phone: 724-430-4600 or 1-800-321-RIDE (toll free)

Indiana County
Indiana County Transit Authority (IndiGO)
Phone: 724-465-2140 or 1-800-442-6928 (toll-free)

Lawrence County New Castle Area
New Castle Transportation Authority
Phone: 724-654-3130

Mon Valley
Mid Mon Valley Transit Authority
Phone: 724-489-0880

Washington County
Freedom Transit (Washington County Transportation Authority)
Phone: 724-223-8747

Westmoreland County
Westmoreland County Transit Authority
Phone: 724-834-9282 or 1-800-221-9282 (toll free)

PennDOT Bureau of Public Transportation Annual Performance Report

For a quick reference of regional transit statistics, please visit and view the PennDOT Bureau of Public Transportation Annual Performance Report.

TOC Resources

Multimodal Contacts

Leann Chaney
Senior Active Transportation Planner
(412) 391-5590 x0387
Sara Walfoort
Manager, Freight Planning
(412) 391-5590 x0339