Congestion Management Process

The CMP is a broad, regional level planning tool designed to help manage congestion by identifying congested corridors and recommending multimodal strategies for congestion mitigation. It provides information that helps transportation planners, professionals and others to understand the overall congestion climate in individual corridors and the region.

Our CMP network includes 113 corridors covering approximately 540 miles. CMP corridors are divided into segments and nodes for the purposes of data collection and analysis.


Explore the app to view congested corridors by county

Data on the congestion climate helps us formulate congestion management strategies. It also benefits the transportation planning process by helping the region focus federal transportation dollars where they can have the greatest impact.

CMP performance measures include Posted Speed Reliability Index, Expected Travel Time Reliability Index travel time, and speed and delay which are used to calculate additional performance measures such as Delay per Vehicle per Mile and Total Delay.

Additional Resources

CMP Contacts

Evan Schoss
Manager, Transportation Operations and Safety
(412) 391-5590 x0338