Active Transportation Forum


June 4 at 10:00 AM


Virtual Event


Our Active Transportation Forum brings together local organizations and regional partners to talk about the ways that individuals and communities can foster and encourage active modes of transportation like walking and biking. Led by Leann Chaney, our Senior Active Transportation Planner, the main priority for our forum is to focus on programs, potential funding opportunities for these initiatives, and design guidelines. The Forum meets on a quarterly basis.

Note: This meeting is free and open to the public. Individuals that care about improving conditions for biking and walking modes of transportation are encouraged to join.

“Move Over Law”: Personal Impact Story/Discussion

This presentation will look at three struck-by incidents and how the lives of their loved ones have changed forever. Emergency responders and pedestrians are at risk on our roads due to crashes caused by distracted drivers. These crashes not only affect the lives of responders and pedestrians but also the entire community they serve and protect. It is crucial to increase awareness and safety measures on our roads to prevent tragedies and keep our communities safe. As responsible drivers, it is our duty to drive safely and be aware of our surroundings.

Facilitator – Todd Leiss, Traffic Incident Management Specialist, Jacobs Engineering

Topic 1 – Son, Tyler Laudenslager; Speaker -Debra Laudenslager

Topic 2 -Brother, David Tome; Speaker – Jamie Tome

Topic 3 – Father, Kurt Keilhofer; Speaker – Chrystal Isenberg


Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2333 137 0714
Meeting password: jkTtGJWy336

Join by phone
1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free