Combined Transportation Technical Committee/Transit Operators Committee


July 11 at 10:00 AM


The Terminal - 42 21st Street, Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222


The Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) meets monthly to provide recommendations to our organization’s Board of Commissioners regarding transportation plans, needs, issues, and opportunities for the region. The Committee also addresses the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (short range) project amendments and administrative actions every month. These are short-range transportation projects that are under review, and will be implemented at some point in the near future. The Committee receives updates from federal and state agencies on pertinent transportation issues, updates from our staff members on relevant transportation planning activities, and reviews upcoming events that are of interest to committee members. In terms of membership, the Committee includes the planning directors from all ten counties in our coverage area including the City of Pittsburgh. Additionally, representatives from PennDOT’s Central Office, Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), and Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT) attend this meeting. These agencies/organizations receive a vote when matters are brought up that require a vote. Non-voting members of the Committee include PennDOT’s district offices, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Allegheny County Bureau of Air Pollution Control.

The Transit Operators Committee (TOC) provides technical assistance to our ten member county region by hosting a meeting once a month. At these meetings, topics like advancing programs and projects by providing public transportation options, regional transit coordination, alternatives to fixed-route transit service, and economic opportunities linked to land use and transit-oriented development. Committee membership consists of our public transportation providers, the region’s vanpool sponsor, CommuteInfo, and a variety of transportation management associations.

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2341 428 4627
Meeting password: FjNKGEPx595

Join by phone
1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free