Public Comment: Draft 2021-2024 TIP

SPC wants to know what you think about transportation projects in the region that will advance over the next four years.

We are seeking input from the public on the following important draft documents:

  • Draft 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which identifies the region’s priority roadway, transit  and multimodal transportation improvements programmed for advancement over the next four years
  • Environmental Justice Benefits and Burdens Assessment of the Draft 2021-2024  TIP
  • Air Quality Conformity Determination for the Draft 2021-2024 TIP
  • Amendment to the region’s transportation plan SmartMoves for a Changing Region  to reflect updated revenue projections and a revised project list including  project phasing and cost information included in Draft 2021-2024 TIP
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COVID-19 Working Capital Loan program

UPDATE – Thank you very much for your interest in the PIDA CWCA Working Capital Loan Program. PIDA has informed SPC that their office has received 890 applications from across the Commonwealth, totaling $75.6 million in requested funds. As you may be aware, PIDA only had $61 million to disburse through the CWCA program. Therefore, PIDA is no longer accepting applications for the program at this time.

In the event that the program is reauthorized, and you have already submitted an application, SPC will continue to process your application at that time.

There are still funding options available through the federal government, and we have provided links to those programs below. We would encourage you to apply for federal funding through the appropriate agencies:

SBA Disaster Loan –

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Below please find a series links to some helpful webinars that contain information on the various federal and state government programs designed to assist businesses navigating the COVID-19 outbreak.  These webinars are hosted by the Pennsylvania Small Business Development Center, and will be streaming live on YouTube daily, during the week of March 30 through April 3, 2020, from 9 am to 10:15 am.

March 30   
March 31
April 1   
April 2   
April 3   

PASBDC YouTube Main Page

Final Draft TDM Action Plan Released

The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC) has developed a regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Strategic Action Plan. TDM involves encouraging use of transit, ridesharing, bicycling, walking, telework; shifting travel times; or avoiding unnecessary trips. This planning initiative facilitates collaboration among:

  • The Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT)
  • Pennsylvania Division Office of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
  • Other TDM stakeholders in Southwestern Pennsylvania to create a regional transportation demand management planning framework
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SPC LTAP Training Dates Released

SPC’s Local Technical Assistance Program’s mission is to share transportation knowledge, improve road maintenance and safety skills, and put research and new technology into practice at the local level. This is accomplished through free training and technical assistance.

Trainings are offered either as half-day or full-day courses. Workshop topics include: Winter Maintenance, Roadside Vegetation, etc.  Customized workshops can be provided at the request of a municipality or a group of municipalities.

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Last month, SPC Transportation Planner Leann Chaney presented “Planning for Active Transportation in Southwestern Pennsylvania”.

The webinar provided an overview of SPC’s recently adopted active transportation plan and companion, web-based toolkit known as the Active Transportation Resource Center. The Active Transportation Resource Center is a central clearinghouse for the latest information on active transportation. Resources include information on programs that support biking and walking, potential funding opportunities, design guidelines, and more.

“Planning for Active Transportation in Southwestern Pennsylvania” was the first webinar in the Penn State Extension Winter/Spring 2020 Land-Use Webinar Series that runs through May. The series informs municipal elected and appointed officials, planners, landowners, farmers, and community organizations about land-use issues and decisions in their communities.

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SPC 2019 Annual Report Released

The 2019 Annual Report encompasses SPC’s accomplishments throughout the year and provides insight into our many programs, departments, and services. Download a copy of the full report and be sure to watch the 2019 Annual Report highlight video on our YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and click the ‘bell’ icon to stay notified when new content is published!

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Southwestern Pennsylvania, SPC, in collaboration with its member planning partners, will direct the use of billions in state and federal transportation funding through 2045. Adopted in June 2019, the long range plan – SmartMoves for a Changing Region – provides a robust policy framework that envisions a world-class, safe and well maintained, integrated transportation system that provides mobility for all, enables resilient communities and supports a globally competitive economy.

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SPC GIS Open Data Site Launched

SPC has assembled a comprehensive GIS database that encompasses the 10 counties in Southwestern Pennsylvania, including the City of Pittsburgh. This open data site provides tools to assist with transportation, planning, and economic development projects. Explore the site to download our data and view samples of how we utilize GIS here at SPC!

GIS Open Data Site

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Transportation Performance Management is a strategic approach to transportation investments that uses transportation system data to inform investment and policy decisions that meet national performance goals.

SPC has long utilized a comprehensive planning and programming process with a focus on collaboration between PennDOT, US DOT, and planning partners at the county and regional levels. We utilize this process in our ongoing planning effort to implement Transportation Performance Management and Performance-Based Planning and Programming.

Transportation Performance Management Site

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SPC January Newsletter Released

This month’s SPC Newsletter has been released!

View a web version via the link below and sign up to receive future Newsletters.

SPC’s monthly e-newsletter is provided as a service to all SPC members. Please send any comments or suggestions to

Full Web Version

Highlights include:

SPC Launches Redesigned Website

To stay connected on social media, please follow us on Twitter & Facebook and consider subscribing to our YouTube channel, clicking the ‘bell’ icon to stay notified when new video content is posted.

Final Report for SR 885/2nd Ave Multimodal Corridor Study Released

The overall study corridor spans approximately five miles and includes connections to Oakland via SR 885/Bates Street between Second Avenue and the Boulevard of the Allies.
Download Report
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