Transit Operators Committee
May 15 at 10:00 AM
Virtual Event
The Transit Operators Committee (TOC) provides technical assistance to our ten member county region by hosting a meeting once a month. At these meetings, topics like advancing programs and projects by providing public transportation options, regional transit coordination, alternatives to fixed-route transit service, and economic opportunities linked to land use and transit-oriented development. Committee membership consists of our public transportation providers, the region’s vanpool sponsor, CommuteInfo, and a variety of transportation management associations.
Public Transit-Human Services Coordinated Transportation Plan (CTP) Survey:
We would like to call your attention to the outreach process of our ongoing Public Transit-Human Services Coordinated Plan.
This is your chance to impact how Southwestern Pennsylvanians get where they need to go. Answers from this survey will help our region experience improved accessibility and efficiency of transportation services – a mix of services such as public buses, senior shuttles, hospital vans, church vans, etc. Transportation services provide mobility to the many thousands of Southwestern Pennsylvanians who can’t, or don’t want to, drive a car.
We are asking for your help in spreading this survey far and wide!
Please take the survey online:
Download a PDF: CTP SURVEY
Join from the meeting link:
Join by meeting number:
Meeting number (access code): 2347 349 5242
Meeting password: RbQnBmhH832
Join by phone:
1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free