Get Involved!

You can play an active role in the transportation planning process by attending public meetings, as well as reviewing documents, maps and related materials. We welcome you to ask our staff members and representatives of partner agencies questions, discuss issues with them, and provide us with your thoughts and opinions. The comments you provide to our organization will help shape the future of our region.

2025 SPC Public Participation Plan Survey

SPC maintains a Public Participation Plan and the plan provides an outline of the tools and techniques the SPC uses to inform and engage the public throughout the transportation planning and programming processes. The plan must comply with federal participation plan regulations and guidelines for metropolitan transportation planning and programs. Public participation is integral to the transportation planning process to ensure good policies, programs, and projects result from transportation planning efforts.

QR Code for the PPP Survey

Scan the QR code to take the survey or click HERE!

View the DRAFT 2025 Public Participation Plan HERE.

Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback will help improve the SPC Public Participation Plan and the Public Participation Program.

Learn How to Get Involved With Us

We inform the public about our meetings in a variety of ways including securing earned media coverage, placing advertisements in community newspapers, and through social media among other initiatives. If you can’t make it to one of our public meetings, but still want to share your thoughts and comments with us, you can do so by mail, email, or phone. 

Mail: Southwestern PA Commission, 42 21st Street, Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: (412) 391-5590     

Event Calendar

Get Involved

April1010:00 AM
April1412:00 PM
April1610:00 AM
April283:00 PM

Executive Committee/Board of Directors Meeting

The Terminal - 42 21st Street, Suite 101, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222

Upcoming Events Meeting Minutes